“Natural Oral Care in Dental Therapy” A book By GLA University Professor, Dr. Kamal Shah, in Library of Howard University

GLA University has established one more achievement in the field of Medical EducationThis achievement is the book “Natural Oral Care in Dental Therapy” edited by GLA University Professor Dr. Kamal Shah, which is SCOPUS indexed and has made a place in the library of Howard University in the United States.

The 26 chapters in this unique book explore all the measures to utilize the natural oral care obtained from plants, animals and mineral drugs for dental care.

Dr. Kamal Shah, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, said that besides of use of natural herbs for treatment of dental problems, this book is also related to application of Ethnopharmacology for development of medicinal plants and use of medicines in dental treatment.

Dr. Kamal Shah

Prof. Meenakshi Bajpai, Head, Department of Pharmacy, said that the book by Dr. Kamal Shah will be an inspiration for the students who wants to make their career in the field of Phyto Pharmaceuticals. 

Prof. Phalguni Gupta, Vice Chancellor, GLA University, Mathura described the book's distribution to students in the United States as a remarkable achievement, they added that GLA University is a great place for research in the field of pharmacy and GLA University encourages its professors and students to write books of this nature.
